
 Phase jumps in Josephson junctions with time-dependent spin–orbit coupling 

David Monroe, Chenghao Shen, Dario Tringali, Mohammad Alidoust, Tong Zhou, and Igor Žutić
Appl. Phys. Lett. 125, 012601 (2024). [PDF]

Planar Josephson junctions (JJs), based on common superconductors and III–V semiconductors, are sought for Majorana states and fault-tolerant quantum computing. However, with gate-tunable spin–orbit coupling (SOC), we show that the range of potential applications of such JJs becomes much broader. The time-dependent SOC offers unexplored mechanisms for switching JJs, accompanied by the 2pi-phase jumps and the voltage pulses corresponding to the single-flux-quantum transitions, key to high-speed and low-power superconducting electronics. In a constant applied magnetic field, with Rashba and Dresselhaus SOC, anharmonic current-phase relations, calculated microscopically in these JJs, yield a nonreciprocal transport and superconducting diode effect. Together with the time-dependent SOC, this allows us to identify a switching mechanism at no applied current bias, which supports fractional-flux-quantum superconducting circuits and neuromorphic computing.