
Josephson Junction through a Disordered Topological Insulator with Helical Magnetization (Eilenberger and Usadel Formalisms) 
Alexander A. Zyuzin, Mohammad Alidoust, and Daniel Loss. 
Phys. Rev. B 93, 214502 (2016). [PDF]

We study supercurrent and proximity vortices in a Josephson junction made of disordered surface states of a three-dimensional topological insulator with a proximity induced in-plane helical magnetization. In a regime where the rotation period of helical magnetization is larger than the junction width, we find supercurrent 0-{\pi} crossovers as a function of junction thickness, magnetization strength, and parameters inherent to the helical modulation and surface states. The supercurrent reversals are associated with proximity induced vortices, nucleated along the junction width, where the number of vortices and their locations can be manipulated by means of the superconducting phase difference and the parameters mentioned above.