Josephson Currents and Spin Transfer Torques in Ballistic SFSFS Nanojunctions
Utilizing a full microscopic Bogoliubov-de Gennes (BdG) approach, we study the equilibrium charge and spin currents in ballistic SFSFS Josephson systems, where F is a uniformly magnetized ferromagnet and S is a conventional s-wave superconductor. From the spatially varying spin currents, we also calculate the associated equilibrium spin transfer torques. Through variations in the relative phase differences between the three S regions, and magnetization orientations of the ferromagnets, our study demonstrates tunability and controllability of the spin and charge supercurrents. The spin transfer torques are shown to reveal details of the proximity effects that play a crucial role in these types of hybrid systems. The proposed SFSFS nanostructure is discussed within the context of a superconducting magnetic torque transistor.